Saturday, September 21, 2013

Days 10, 11 and 12

Folks, it's been awhile since I posted and the truth is that I have been stunned and paralyzed by the reality of not having Clif anymore. Thank God I have to get up every day and walk up and down hills over long distances.
I feel like I should eulogize my friend but I can't. I still can't believe that he is really gone. He was such a good man and good friend to me and to so many that any effort by me to try to express what he meant to all of us would be paltry. So I won't. I will just assume that he is with me on my Camino and go on.

Last Sunday, I left LogroƱo late after having several cups of coffee in my room. While walking out of town, I met Carole from South Africa and Anna Rose from Australia via England. When I told them that I was from Alabama Anna Rose said "That sounds exotic."
I must admit that comment puffed up my chest a little. It had never really occurred to me that Alabama might be exotic to someone from Australia via England. I came to find out later that she loved "To Kill a Mockingbird". So no wonder Alabama seemed exotic. She didn't know if she was talking to Boo Radley or Forrest Gump.

Carole and Anna Rose
The Camino ran past a park and later a public pond and a sort of strange shrine. See what you think.

That's all for now. I hope to do better soon.

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